Importance of Clothing Labels

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Posted on: June 8, 2015

You walked into an apparel store, picked up a dress you liked and what do you do next? The usual tendency of every customer is to check the tag, which is stitched along with the dress. These tags or labels talks a lot; for instance – you get to know about price, washing process, size and company name, so on. Even if this is a small thing attached with your clothing, it has lot of value.

Clothing industry is one of the most profitable businesses nowadays because dresses are more than a necessity these days. The aesthetic value is more significant than the utility value. These days a number of popular brands are found to put their labels on the sleeves rather than hiding them at the collar region of the shirt. The reason is simple – if you are wearing branded attire, why not flaunt it to the onlookers.

Initial Phase

Initially, for identification of the company launderer’s ink was used to write the initials of the brand along with an embroidered logo. Inception of labels is a later phenomenon that served the purpose of both identity and advertisement. Usually, clothing labels were attached only to the main outer clothes but due to competition the labels are put even on the innerwear. Whether it is a baby cloth, apron or a simple tie, tags are found everywhere excepting handkerchief and socks.

Labeled Information

As already mentioned, clothing label talks a lot about the dress you are thinking of purchasing. Even if there is no one to help you identify the fabric of dress or the size, you can rely easily on the tag. The labels are inscribed with details like “100% cotton”, “Polyester” “XL”, “M” and so on. Apart from that, you can even get to know whether you can iron the fabric or not. Information like cold or dry wash is even engraved in the tags. Since, these labels directly come in contact with the body, organic materials are used to avoid any irritation that can create rashes or itching.

The recent labels are more modern because the manufacturer prefers to use symbols rather than written instructions. These care instructions are very easy to follow; so even if you are buying a dress from a foreign store, the symbol explains everything and you do not have to depend on the language. No matter how small the tag is, but the details it provides make the label very important.
