How to Preserve the Quality of Your Favorite Outfits?

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Posted on: Dec 24, 2015

Buying fashionable clothes is something which we all love. Even when we are out on a holiday, we tend to buy clothes from the place we visit for keeping them as a token of memory. However, most of the times, we forget to take proper care of these. We all are keen on being fashion conscious but we often fail to care for our branded and expensive garments in terms of washing, drying and ironing. Also, many of us love to collect vintage garments. These could be the ones we acquire from our grandparents or parents or the ones that we purchase from various thrift stores and online stores. Having an exquisite vintage collection is not good enough if they are not taken care of. So, no matter what kind of clothes you love to wear, it is imperative for you to take good care of them so that you can wear them for years to come.

Read the Labels to Learn about the Cleaning Procedures

Each of the outfits you buy will have their own cleaning procedures. Some of them should be dry washed, whereas for the others, you could go for regular laundry wash. In order to know their individual washing properties, you need to check for the fabric labels on the back side of the garments. These labels are present in every branded garment. However, in order to keep the clothes new for years, stop using the harsh chemical powders. Instead, always go for the mild detergents. Also, hand washing is a much better option than putting the clothes in a washing machine with an agitator.

Do Not Put the Clothes for Drying Directly Under the Sun

You might think that drying the clothes under the sun is an eco-friendly procedure. On the contrary, it might just ruin the color of your favorite garments! The intensity of direct sunrays will also make the clothes stiff. Hence, make sure that you hang them in a shaded area where the sunlight will enter indirectly. Also, you can go for air drying as it helps in keeping the clothes durable for the long run.

Get Rid of Stains in a Natural Way

Your favorite piece of clothing might get stained. However, never use bleach for removing the same. You should rather try natural methods to get rid of the stains. One of such examples is to mix baking soda along with vinegar and water. Now soak the garments inside this solution for a few hours and the stains will be gone without affecting the fabric of the garments. Try it, it really works!

Always Iron Your Clothes and Don’t Keep Them Unwashed

You should never keep your garments unwashed for a long time. Always keep them properly ironed and stack them all in a good and clean place, preferably a wardrobe. Keeping them unwashed for a longer period will make the stains settle on the fabric and more difficult to remove.
