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Fashion Trends We Can Learn from the Game of Thrones

Posted on: June 17, 2016

Who hasn’t heard of ‘Game of Thrones’? I guess there’s no one who has not heard about this extremely popular TV series that has swept the nation off their feet. It has gained prominence in the entertainment industry with its excellent adaptation, plot, characters, costume and so on. You may be an ardent follower of ‘Game of Thrones’ and must have watched all the seasons a million times. After a season ends you wait eagerly for the next one to come up. Well, yes that’s the impact of this fantastic fantasy drama. There are a few people who pay attention to the intricacies of the seasons. If you have a knack for fashion, then you’ll love the fashion line that the characters display. It’s a treat to the eyes. I bet even the novice in the field of fashion will notice the remarkable trends that the mega serial showcases to its fans. So, if you haven’t started watching it yet, start watching it for a drama that is filled with different styles of outfits that all the fashionistas out there are craving for.

The lead costume designer Michele Clapton and her team of dynamic talented fashion designers have worked uniquely in giving meaning to each and every character of the series. Their hard work paid off well when this show became the talk of the town. If you understand fashion you’ll be able to gauge the importance of such designs in complimenting the personality of each of the characters in the serial. Michele Clapton has been appreciated and universally acclaimed for her commendable job. She was nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Costumes for all five seasons of the Game of Thrones. Out of which, she has won twice for Season 2 and Season 4 respectively.

Before I get into the detailing of the costumes for this hit show, let me tell you about the inspiration behind the costume designing for this show. The outfits in this show are inspired by many cultures like of the Japanese and Persian. As it’s a political drama, it is set against a dark background which automatically makes the costumes overpowering. The clothing line is classy, patriotic and heavily embroidered with the faces of dominating animals that illustrate the power of the authorities. The interesting fact about the clothing intricacies of the series is the use of bones and skins of animals to touch the tone of perfection by the designer. Michele has done justice to her work for which she earned accolades and recognition.

Costumes of the Characters of the Game of Thrones

The Game of Thrones portrays a charade of different kinds of characters signifying different sections of the society. On one hand there is a creamy layer of the society clad in royal heavily-designed dresses. On the other hand, there are costumes made for the prostitutes which are sleazy and focus on the economic condition of the different strata of the society. As the series deals with the political allegiances of different regions of the world from the North, the Westerlands or the Reach, the fashion is varied and shows a variety. Not only the exclusive apparels, the intricate jewelry, accessories and hairdo are the trendsetters for the mass. Clapton always believed that the design of the nobles inspires the common people irrespective of their social backgrounds.

Fashion Trends that can be followed

The Game of Thrones is a paradise for all the fashion lovers for its royal fashion trends well combined with comfort matching the status of the different societies. Every woman in the series has her own unique style reflecting the home’s climate, her social stature and of course her personality. The inspiring blood-red gowns of Cersei Lannister, the chic Bohemian style of Daenerys Targaryen or the subtle pastel coloured dresses of Sansa Stark and Margarey Tyrell are inspirational. It has taken the fashion industry by storm.

So, why don’t you try some of the outstanding looks styled by these characters to grab all the eyes at the party? I’m sure you’ll not be left unnoticed by a single person present at the gathering. For such attention, keep reading below:

Princess gown– If you want to steal the show at the party then pick on a princess gown without any doubt. These royal gowns are not only rich in color but also heavily embroidered which adds a sense of aristocracy to your look. So, if you’re a big fan of the Game of Thrones you’ll love to dress as the princesses of the series. Why don’t you flaunt some style of the fashionistas with your own uniqueness? Think about it!

Bohemian gown– Do you love Boho fashion? If yes, then try Bohemian fashion at the prom and enjoy those glaring eyes. The noodle strap, halter neck or the off-shoulder flowing long maxi dress looks elegant, chic and stylish. If you love floral prints, then flaunt bright floral motifs. Pastel colored Bohemian dresses look extremely classy with a different aura of elegance and sheer beauty. If you think you can pull off a Bohemian look then go for it.

DIY gown– Well, sometimes the subtle beauty overpowers all that jazz you’re looking for. Why don’t you try a simple single colored A-line gown paired with a metallic belt in the middle? Dare to look different as I’m sure you’ll be the center of attention among all. When you can beautify your dress with a little bit of innovation then why do you want to follow the herd? Try the look and enjoy the praises.

The above-mentioned fashion trends have made the characters of the series all the more famous among the girls. The show displays a saga of richness blended perfectly with the fashion taste of the regions catering to the interest of the audience. There are many celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Kate Moss and so on who have flaunted the masterpieces inspired by Michele Clapton. So, if you love fashion, then I’m sure Game of Thrones will make you want more of it. When you can do fashion, show it at its best and in a Game of Thrones way!

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Facts to Know About Custom Clothing Woven Labels

Posted on: Jan 28, 2016

Custom clothing labels are timeless fashion which implies that this form of fashion will continue to stand the test of time. They will remain priceless in spite of the latest fashion trends that keep coming. People with the finest choice of fashion understand the class and elegance that custom clothing labels command. You will notice that customized labels on clothes are available in a nice assortment in various stores. This gives scope to all fashion conscious people to make their choice from the various options available.

Custom clothing indeed is a delight but it is equally important to take utmost care of these clothes. Many people are often in two minds about the process they should apply to keep clothes in good state. This is when labels play a huge role in guiding people on the maintenance of clothes. There are certain important facts about labels that deserve your attention.

Read Instructions on Labels – The best way to keep clothes clean is by simply reading the instructions written on its labels. Designers give a lot of attention on their clothing custom labels because they know the secret to maintaining clothes well lies in their labels. Labels are not visible once you slip on your clothes but it is a great way to preserve your clothes. Interestingly, the clothes maintenance information is nicely written on labels in spite of the little space a label provides. So make sure you give as much attention to the labels as your designer gives in creating it.

Keep Labels Clean – People put in a lot of effort to keep clothes clean. In the process of cleaning, you can always put in extra effort to keep the labels clean as well. Label maintenance instructions are similar to the clothes maintenance tips. Keeping labels clean helps in adding value to the overall cleanliness of your clothes. If you have spent a bomb buying the clothes from eminent designers, might as well flaunt the brand through the label. After all, labels are the sole identity that your custom clothes have. So don’t keep the identity of your clothes dirty.

Fix Labels if Torn – Custom clothes are not just meant to be kept in the closet. It is natural that people would want to wear them. During the entire process of wearing it, stepping out and flaunting around, make sure that the labels don’t get torn. This is because keeping the label intact is important since it is the basic identity of your clothes. In case you see your labels are torn be quick in fixing them immediately.

It indeed feels like a breath of fresh air to see the young fashion brigade of today slipping into custom clothes and putting their fashion foot forward. These clothes are made of impeccably high quality material. Most of the clothes have patchwork embroidery made by skilled craftsmen which stand the test of time and ensure to grab attention.

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Essentials of Sustainable Clothes Washing

Posted on: May 26, 2016

Fashion is one of the most demanding and glamorous industries that come with fair share of challenges. Professionals’ part of this industry understands the dynamics of this profession and work accordingly. Many are of the opinion that the world of fashion is in some way affecting the environment and care needs to be taken so that the environment can be preserved in some way or the other. It is important for the fashion world to contribute towards environment preservation and there are several ways in which this contribution is possible.

Fashion industry’s contribution towards Nature preservation is a huge umbrella and there are several aspects and layers to it. This needs to be discussed and understood separately because of the dynamic and diverse range of information that is present. As of now, let us focus on a very simple and basic step that consumers can do on a regular basis. That is the sustainable ways of washing clothes as a step towards water preservation. It is a small step but an important one and if everybody can follow this then problem surrounding water conservation can be solved considerably. So let us check out how individuals with a strong love for clothes can put forward their contribution.

Encouraging Dry Cleaning Processes – Dry cleaning is one of the most effective ways of preserving water and at the same time getting your clothes washed and cleaned. Garments designed today mostly specify dry cleaning processes. Dry cleaning as a process is mostly dependent on the kind of clothes used.

Avoid Options of “Wash Separately” – Wash separately is an option that is clearly mentioned on some of the clothes labels. This washing instruction is categorically mentioned in clothes labels. But this clothes washing process implies more water wastage. Such an instruction is mentioned because of the materials used in the clothes labels.

Right Materials for Fabric Labels – It is essential to wash clothes and also the fabric labels those come attached with the clothes. However, when the right materials are used for designing fabric labels, you will not need to wash these labels extensively. Minimising the usage of water to wash clothes labels is an effective way to cut down on water consumption.

Prefer Cold Water Wash – It is important to note that using hot water wash is a costlier affair and has a bad impact on the environment. However, using cold water is a great way save 80% to 90% energy costs in washing. Hot water is also very hard on your garments thus it is time to switch to cold water to make your environment a better place to live in.

Use of Sustainable Materials – Sustainable materials are the best way to preserve Nature and increasing clothes stores are coming up with designs where the use of sustainable materials are highest.

As consumers with a strong love for fashion, it is important that they put forward their contribution towards the environment because that is essential. Clothes washing are a regular activity and putting forward water conservation efforts in this regular activity is an effective contribution.

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Environmentally Friendly Clothing and Informing the Consumer

The environmental needs of the world are at the forefront of so many consumers’ minds. Ensuring products that are put on the market are sourced, made and distributed without having a detrimental impact on Mother Earth is such an important topic that everyone should be talking about right now.

Is it enough to talk about it?

Talking about how to make a change to products and clothing is a great place to start, as long as action is taken to set things in place as soon as possible. Start off by contacting all of the providers you use in the production of your garments and inquire about their contributions to environmental causes.

Ask about their production methods, materials used, and anything they are doing to help the earth. Ensure the fibers and material used in your clothing are all sourced ethically. The materials should be as natural or organic as possible. Let everyone know that you will want to advertise this positive information in the clothing tag.

Showcasing the information on the tag

While sourcing the material and production methods ethically is the most important thing, it is also beneficial to share this information with the customer! You can let them know that what they are buying and wearing is the result of such a unique process and background by using custom clothing tags.

Custom tags enable you to choose exactly what is written on your tag. Even if you already have a system in place for tagging your clothing, you can add an additional tag or another layer to an existing tag that has all of the information you want to pass to the customer.

This information can include where the material was sourced, how it was made and facts about the production process. Your custom clothing tags can use a small infographic that showcases the environmental impact, the natural ingredients of the fibers in the garment, and even the compensation made to the workers who were part of making the garment.

Gaining trust

It is important to share this information on a tag so customers know exactly what they are purchasing. Gaining the trust of the consumer can be tricky when you don’t get to directly speak with them to show them exactly what you are all about.

Sharing the sourcing of your garment with them directly on the tag allows them to see exactly what they are purchasing. They can see this every time they use the garment as well, further reminding them of what a great piece of clothing they purchased and hopefully inspiring them to buy more!

If you find that some processes in the production of your garments could be improved from an environmental or sustainability standpoint, take action to bring about some changes. There are plenty of companies who support the earth in every possible way, and there are plenty of ways to create clothing that is ethical and environmentally friendly to help your company work toward a better future for our earth.

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Effective Marketing Ideas for Your Clothes Brand

Posted on: November 16, 2016

The dream of becoming one of the most successful fashion designers is quite a common trend among the youth. This throws a lot of light on the competition that already exists in the clothes and fashion industry. To be a fashion designer is one thing but to be successful in this field of work is a different ball game altogether and a different story. To gain success in the fashion industry is not just about having brilliant design skills. The other essential elements that you need to own is exceptionally well promotional strategies that will create the buzz for all the right reasons. These promotional or marketing strategies are essential to let the world or more specifically your target audience know about your brand of clothes.

When it comes to marketing, effective advertising is the best way to reach out to a larger audience and this is when things start taking a tricky turn. As a start-up having the right fund to run your own clothes store is always a challenge. That is when you need to think of effective marketing ideas that will promote your brand. Once that is in place, people will start taking notice of you and your brand of clothes. Care needs to be taken that the clothes and the designs you come up with are visually appealing to make the sale happen. This is when your design skills will come into the picture because well-designed clothes are essential for the revenue figures to increase. Marketing will only help people to take notice of you but after that, it is all about the designs and styles in your clothes. These are some of the essential factors that you need to know to be at the top of your game along with other important factors that we will talk about.

Sell Your Clothes to Boutiques – All professional fashion designers need to start from somewhere and the best way to do that is by selling clothes to boutiques. Banking on the credibility of the boutique is the best way to accumulate the fund that you need for your business. Care needs to be taken that the clothes have the custom labels of your brand so that people can identify your clothes brand. This will help customers to remember you and look forward to clothes designed by your brand or business.

Sell Online – The best way to push your revenue is by selling your clothes online because online selling is one of the most cost-effective ways to increase the business fund. Creating business pages in social media will help you to gain the much-needed promotion. This awareness among customers will automatically generate word-of-mouth.

Create a Lookbook– Lookbooks are the best way to grab the attention of your target audience. So, make sure that you create a personalized lookbook for all the clothes that you have designed. Accessorizing the clothes perfectly is the best way to create a buzz and set the revenue bells ringing.

These are some of the best suggestions that designers need to follow and execute to be the best at what they love doing. For a start-up trying to have a ground in the fashion business is difficult but these important facts will help.

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Different Types of Labels that You Should Know About

Posted on: Jan 21, 2016

Now that you have taken the plunge and have been successful in establishing your own clothing line, there are a few important facts that you deserve to know. Owners of clothes’ boutique usually focus on keeping the trendiest of clothes in store to grab attention of potential buyers. Surely, this is something that you should focus on, but don’t forget to have an eye for other details as well. In case you are thinking how any other factor could be of equal importance when the boutique is all about good clothes? Then let us guide you through this path by highlighting that apparel labels play a crucial role in giving clothes identification.

The clothes that your boutique offers can be great, but there needs to be a way to tell the world that the clothes belong to your store. Hence, the need for apparel labels because they are the announcement that your clothes business needs. When it comes to deciding upon the apparel labels for your clothes store, suppliers are going to bombard you with millions of questions. Most often than not, such random questions get very confusing and that’s because of the lack of information most entrepreneurs have about clothing labels.

Labels can be broadly divided into clothing labels and woven labels. We will inform you about both these label types for better clarity and understanding.

Clothing Labels

Clothing labels are made of 100% cotton material where the print and the font is pre-decided by entrepreneurs. If you choose clothing labels, then the print could be an intricate and detailed artwork. The detailing is entirely the entrepreneur and design team’s call, so choose an illustration that defines your clothes boutique completely. Technology has made a lot of progression in the label industry. Today print photography labels are easy to design and manufacture and they give the same soft feel. Print photography labels trigger a lot of visual appeal and that is the best way to grab attention.

Woven Labels

Woven labels take slightly more time in its manufacturing process compared to clothing labels. This is primarily because the woven ones need to be accurate and as per the artwork specifications. These labels consist of weaves those are held together to form a unique label design. Woven labels are long lasting and this is what sets them apart from other types of apparel labels. Entrepreneurs’ should opt for this label only when they have ample time in hand for label designs. Woven labels are the best choice for you if you prefer an elaborate logo design.

These two broad categories will allow the design team and even entrepreneurs to have a better understanding about the apparel labels they should opt for. You understand your clothes business the best and the apparel labels should be an extension of your brand and what it stands for. So make sure you choose the design carefully keeping the clothes boutique fundamentals in the right place.

Hopefully, this post has been helpful in giving clarity about the different label types available and the right choices you need to make while selecting.

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Different styles and types of Clothing label

A clothing label not only reveals the brand identity but also helps your potential customers to identify your distinctive quality. A customer decides to single out their favorite garment based on the design and content of the label attached to it.

 Why are clothing labels so important?   

Labels act as a bridge between your brand and customers. When a customer buys a product, they always look forward to the information and instructions for taking special care of the garment and that comes with a label. Every manufacturer creates a label that would speak about their exclusivity. It is very important to order clothing labels that are customized as per your brand’s identity.

 Types of clothing labels

There are mainly two types of clothing labels.

  1.  Woven labels: These labels are woven on a loom as per the customized designs, cuts, and folds. In garments, they are usually sewn into the neck seam or applied to woven hang tags. Woven labels can be of different types like High definition Damask, Satin or Taffeta. These labels are highly durable and give a smooth finish.  
  2.  Printed labels: Printed labels, on the other hand, prints the content on the garment using ink and plates. These are usually imprinted inside the neck or lower side seam of the garment. The longevity of these labels depends on the quality of ink.      

 Styles of clothing labels

  1.  Centre-folded style: Also known as loop label, centre folded is a commonly used style in clothing labels. The front part of the label usually has the brand name or logo and special care instruction on the back.
  2.  End-folded style: The right and left ends of the label are tucked behind and stitched.
  3.  Straight-cut style: This style has no folds and the ends of the entire label are meticulously affixed to the garment.
  4.  Heat-seal or adhesive labels: These labels are like stickers affixed to the product with the help of a heat sealer or high-quality adhesive. However, these types of labels are not recommendable for washable clothing products.    

 Different types of fabric used

Garment labels can be produced with different types of fabric to give that perfect finishing touch based on the requirements of the client.   

  • Satin: Satin threads are used to give the ultimate lustrous and smooth touch to the woven labels. Another alternative is reverse weave of satin thread for a shiny and matte effect.  
  • Damask: These types of labels are produced with thin, polished and lustrous thread and a favorite choice of the clothing line manufacturers. Damask thread is so thin that they can produce high definition and better quality labels.      
  • Tafetta: These types of woven labels are made of a polyester-based thread and are mostly prepared for basic uses. They are very cost-effective and flexible.   
  • Cotton: Some manufacturers also prefer cotton thread over other varieties as it is much more cost-effective than other labels.

·       Leather: A lot of manufacturers of jeans and trousers use leather labels for their products. 

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Different Folding Styles of Woven Labels for Clothing

Posted on: July 22, 2016

“Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.” – Seth Godin

Labeling is one of the most important aspects of marketing through which your brand gets recognition in the market. There are more than one clothing lines that are present with their distinctive labels. A label acts as the face of the company. For instance, whenever we go for shopping, don’t we buy clothes after checking its label? It plays a major role in developing a place for the brand among its customers. Apart from creating a uniqueness of a brand, it also behaves as a dominant factor to fall back on in terms of reliability. People rely more on brands with labels than on the ones without them. Don’t you think so? Well, this shows the role of a label in the clothing industry.

Now, a label is sewed on the fabric of a garment. The woven label for clothing is generally available in three major folding styles. I’ll give you an insight on this. Keep reading below:

Straight cut– This is one of the most popular styles adopted by the designers for their clothing line. The ends of a woven label are simply sealed by heat with no folding. Well, if you plan to sew all the four sides or two ends, then this style is apt for the labeling of your clothes. And most importantly, the label is held closely against the fabric that makes it strong and doesn’t tear off easily. So, if this suits you, go for it.

Mid-fold– This kind of woven label is made in a long rectangle shape and folded short-ways in the centre. The label hangs down when both cut ends of the label is sewn into the fabric. The biggest advantage of this labeling is that it gives you ample space for additional information if you want to add any. So, if you want to put in the care instructions, you can select this for your business. But, be careful as this label is prone to damages quite often.

End folds– The woven label is made of a straight cut, but there is a small amount of sewing space on the ends. These are folded and the sewing takes place beneath the label. This gives a well-finished look because the seams are not prominent outside. But, unlike the straight cut, this label is ripped simply.

We all know that labeling is indispensable to marketing. Labeling adds more value to the apparel industry. People generally don’t select clothes without tags or labels. So, if you’re planning to open a clothing line of yours, follow the above-mentioned styles, it’s beneficial for you. Apart from these, you can pick custom woven labels for clothing. If you want to make your brand different from others, then you can also choose personalized woven clothing labels as well. So, choose wisely.

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Design Tips For A Unique Finish For Your Fabric Labels

A fabric label is extremely versatile and can fit a huge array of requirements. Whether it is a finishing touch to an item of clothing, accessory, or shoes, the right label offers a professional, finished product.

If you have decided to use fabric labels, then the next, and probably most difficult task, is to design your label. The highest-quality label will offer high definition color that stays looking visually appealing.

The finishing touches really do affect the quality of your design and the overall impact the label has. It’s always recommended to keep label design clean and simple with bold colors where possible. The smaller the label is, the simpler it should be.

Whether you’re adding labels to casual clothing kids clothing, or work wear, the label is a representation of your company. It must be professionally made and clear to ensure consumers recognise your brand in a positive way.

If you try and add a lot of text to a small label it will look unpresentable and your customers may struggle to identify what it says. Do not add any text that is under 10pt. If you do need it smaller, you are probably better to remove it from your design altogether. For fabric labels that do require a lot of text, then choose a larger label. You need plenty of space to incorporate the required font in order for it to look bold and clear. To achieve the best design you must consider the label size you require when you begin your design.

Adding a personal touch to an item of clothing really can change the whole image. So, how do you know what to put in your design? The obvious starting point is to incorporate your logo and branding. Any other colors on your garment labels should be a continuation of your brand.

If you’re a business trying to get your fashion brand out there, keep things simple and go for text or a logo (not both) for the highest impact. A few letters that represent your brand can look stylish, or a design that represents the brand you have already created would look unique. Keeping the label simple is classy and doesn’t cause confusion when people see it.

If you’re starting on the ladder of a fashion brand, your items need to stand out amongst others. Your design will have more of an impact if it’s clean, eye-catching, and unique.

When designing your fabric labels, ask for feedback from impartial people. Don’t be offended if people are critical, just take opinions on board. And, don’t invest in your labels until you have done this. You need to know what others think of when they look at your design, as they might see something you don’t. If feedback becomes repetitive, positive or negative; you should not ignore it. When asking for feedback prepare questions to get a true reflection of their opinions. You can ask them to compare it to a label design they prefer and ask why they prefer the other. Ask what does it portray to them and does it communicate your brand how you want it to? Feedback is invaluable.

Take into account the fabric quality you’re choosing to put them on, the label size, and what you wish to achieve with your design. It’s not always an easy task to get the design of labels right, but they’re the walking advertising your business needs when you get it right.

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Design Ideas for Custom Clothing Tags

Are you planning to launch your own clothing line but can’t decide on the ideal design for the clothing labels and tags? Be it for casual T-shirts or exclusive designer wear, a well-designed clothing label is very important to influence the consumers and create an everlasting impression. Get started with these design ideas and create your own custom clothing label and tags.

  • Flaunt your hard work

It goes without saying that you need to be very creative when creating the label design. Besides that, you should be upfront about your hard work and convey how you have crafted the products ‘with care’. Create a clothing tag which conveys this message to create a positive impact on the consumers.

  • Use the right cut

Create the hangtags per your priority. You need to learn different types of cuts and folds where you will get the option to flaunt both the label and care instructions. Here are the 8 Different Types of Cuts and Folds for Brand Labels you need to know before creating your custom clothing label and tags.

  • Color play

Color plays a very important part and just like your label, the tags should also have the right colors to accentuate your brand identity. For instance, if you wish to promote minimalistic fashion trend then you should go with colors like black, white or grey. If promoting eco-friendly environment is your priority then, of course, a nice shade of green should be your pick.    

Also read: Which Color is Ideal for your Clothing Brand

  • Printed or woven

Make sure the tag design is in sync with the label design. Woven tags are created with high-quality thread to assure durability while the printed ones are a more affordable option that can be affixed to the product with a high end finishing touch.   

  • Be zany

The millennials of today appreciate quirky content and if you can tweak the label and tag content with a dash of humor, it can act as a great connecting factor with the consumers. You can also add interesting trivia or jokes depending on the psyche of your target customers.   

  • Care content

Instead of cluttering the label with too much care instructions, you can use it in hangtags. This will help the customers focus more on your brand name and also help them understand the care instructions better.

  • Get inspired

Follow the latest trends and make a checklist of the best of the features. Create your tags keeping the taste and preferences of the millennials and please make sure you don’t COPY!

Wish to create custom clothing labels at cost-effective rates? Click here to send us your requirements and get your custom label quote instantly!
