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Top Eight Uses And Tips For Fabric Labels In 2018

Whether you have your own clothing line, or you enjoy creating craft garments, there are essential uses for labels on your garments. Labels are a great way to get important information across and reinforce your brand. One of the quickest and easiest ways to brand your clothing is using labels. There are so many uses in adding labels to your garments; many are essential and many will give you the desired professional finish.

Continue reading Top Eight Uses And Tips For Fabric Labels In 2018

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Different Types Of Cut And Fold Options For Clothing Labels Explained

The finished cut and fold of your labels might seem like a small decision, but it can make a significant difference to the finished look of the label. There are many mistakes that can be made when choosing labels, and not choosing the right cut / fold for the job will leave your garment looking untidy. Here are the different types of cut and fold options explained in more detail. Continue reading Different Types Of Cut And Fold Options For Clothing Labels Explained

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Clothing Hang Tags For Your Fashion Brand Or Crafts

Hang tags give you the perfect opportunity to add your unique branding to your fashion garments or crafts. Now that you have created and perfected your clothing, how do you add a unique stamp to stand out from others? Hang tags add an iconic finishing touch that makes your garments stand out on the clothing rack and look professional. Without a hang tag, someone looking at the garment cannot easily identify the brand, cost, or size, so why not make things that little bit easier for people admiring your work?

Continue reading Clothing Hang Tags For Your Fashion Brand Or Crafts

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Make You Athletes Feel Like A Team With Athletics Labels

Whether the sport your club specializes in requires members to work as a team, or an individual, the importance of the club feeling like a team shouldn’t be underestimated. When they are training in your club they are part of your team and rather than thinking about themselves they should work together to progress as a group.

Club athletics wear unites your team, looks great during practice, and advertises your club. A lot of people find it a rush to get themselves or their children ready for practice after school / work commitments. Giving everyone the option of club wear makes it so much simpler to get ready in a hurry.

Continue reading Make You Athletes Feel Like A Team With Athletics Labels

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Why Should You Consider Investing in Quality Labels for Clothing

No company wants to send out a product without having their name on it. It’s important to get credit for the items that are produced and sold. So when it comes to clothing, labels are critical for the producer as well as the consumer. Don’t consider cutting out and settling for cheaper labels that aren’t going to last. Instead, there are several reasons for investing in quality clothing labels.

Quality Labels Imply Quality Clothing

Outside of the manufacturer’s name, the label is going to say something to the consumer. If the label is a quality piece, it implies that the garment is also going to be of good quality. This means that that small piece of fabric has a lot to do with how an item is perceived. In addition to thinking about the label material, also consider what type of thread and colors will be used along with how it will be attached to the garment. All of these things add up to create a great impression on the consumer. You don’t want someone to love a piece but then have second thoughts about the purchase because the label doesn’t do the brand or the clothing item justice.

Offers Care Instructions

When consumers love something, they want to take care of it. Certain clothing requires special care. The label is the opportunity to mention exactly how items should be cared for so that they will last for an extended amount of time. Washing by hand, avoiding the dryer and even using cold water are all messages that a manufacturer wants to relay to the customer. Because there isn’t a lot of room on the label, there are several symbols that make it possible to get information across effectively. In addition to care instructions, this is the perfect place for listing out the types of fabrics or materials that make up the clothing item.

Subtle Marketing Potential

Even with the label tucked inside of clothing, it still offers an opportunity for marketing. If someone loves a garment, they are going to check the label and see who made it. They may be on the hunt for other items by the same designer. This is just one of the reasons why you need your label to be something that stands out from the rest and something that will be memorable. At the same time, if a friend loves something that another person is wearing, they are going to ask about it. Clothing labels are going to make it possible for the friend to track down a similar item.

You want to produce more than just pieces that customers are going to love. You also want to make sure that you have return customers and customers who tell others about their favorite pieces. Because of this, take some time and effort and create the perfect label. Invest in something that will last and something that will be eye catching and memorable. This small label could have the potential to increase your customer base.

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Which Color is Ideal for your Clothing Brand

Every company has a unique color that represents the brand identity. Research says, about 85% of customers refer to the color as the primary reason to buy a particular product. Are you thinking of launching a clothing line but can’t decide the ideal color for your brand? We’ve got you covered with the unique attributes of many colors and what effect it can have on the psyche of your target customers. Read on.   


When you ask anybody what their favorite color is, most of them will answer ‘Blue’. This is probably the most common favorite color and is, therefore, preferred by many big brands to connect easily with a larger spectrum of audience. Blue is likened with ‘coolness’ and ‘serenity’ and is acknowledged to boost a sense of security and trust. As this is a very commonly used brand color, you can play with the different shades of blue or mix it with colors like green, white, black, etc. Some of the compelling shades of blue are Azure, denim, duke, Egyptian, Persian, Zaffre, Yale, sapphire, royal, etc.


The color of passion, power, and love is another common favorite used since ages by a lot of big clothing brands like H & M, Levi’s, Helly Hansen, Uniqlo, etc. It has a striking quality of attracting the customers instantly. The color will look great if combined with white, black, yellow, and green. You can also try out a different shade of red like Rose, cherry, scarlet, crimson, candy, blush, etc.

Black & White     

From Victoria’s Secret to Calvin Klein, from Bvlgari to Gucci, all of the biggies vouch for this compelling combination. Given to its popularity, it is needless to say that black and white is often associated with subtlety, class, and luxury. From your website to your logo, Black and White can be an ideal choice if your clothing brand is meant for the selected few.


This earthy color can be a good option to connect with the mass and not the class. The hue emanates a relaxing effect and can be combined with many colors like yellow, blue, red, etc. This can also be used for products that are labeled as ‘Eco-friendly’ to accentuate the motive of the brand.    


This color represents youth, optimism, and warmth and can be a beautiful contrast to other colors like red, blue, black, white, etc. Often used for kid’s brands, this color can also play well with the psyche of the teenage audience.  


Although not many brands prefer this color, orange may help your brand stand out of the crowd if you’re looking to try something different. It can also create an impact if teamed with other colors like green or blue.


The color and its many shades like fuscia, rose, punch, magenta, strawberry, etc. can be an ideal choice for a feminine clothing line.


Although this color is often associated with spirituality, it can also be an excellent choice for clothing brands, especially for ladies innerwear, kids wear, or clothes meant for the youth.  

Choose your ideal color and logo, and create your own custom clothing labels here.

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When It Comes to Clothing Labels, Custom Options Get Noticed

Clothing labels certainly aren’t the most noticeable parts of garments by themselves. But, if you’re thinking about clothing labels, custom options are smart choices because they can offer surprising benefits to both your company and customers.

Feature the Flag of the Brand’s Company of Origin

Maybe your clothing gets designed in Ireland and you want to highlight that fact with a tiny green, white and orange flag. Or perhaps your apparel has always been made in the United States and you want to include the vibrant stars and stripes along with a phrase like “Proudly made in the United States of America.” Some people are committed to purchasing items produced or at least designed in certain countries. You can appeal to those people by being as transparent as possible about how your products came to be.

Include a Ribbon Associated With a Certain Cause

Maybe you have decided that ten percent of all your profits from clothing sold will go to support breast cancer research or people who are in the military and fighting for their countries. Those causes and many others all have support ribbons associated with them, and certain colors indicate different things. You could include such a ribbon on the back or front of a custom clothing label to clearly show that you care about something important and your company is doing something specific to join in the fight for the greater good. You may even find that particular demographic groups are especially likely to purchase from you as opposed to buying from other clothing brands, especially if some causes are close to their hearts for personal reasons.

Incorporate a Slogan

If your brand has worked hard to come up with and promote a slogan, it’s a good idea to make sure it’s also a part of the clothing labels custom. Perhaps the slogan connects with your company’s ideals or a factor that sets it apart from competing brands. Whatever the case may be, a slogan can help your label really stand out, especially if you even go a step further and get the text printed in a cool font, color scheme or both.

Print Your Company’s Website or Contact Information on the Label

The Internet is often the first point of contact a person might have with your brand, provided they type your website into a browser bar or a search engine. However, even when doing that, there is a chance they might type something wrong. If your clothing label has the website as part of its design, that decreases the likelihood of them getting off on the wrong track and going to a different site unintentionally. A phone number is also a good piece of information to include on the label, particularly if your company has a dedicated team of customer service workers.

These are several of the factors that might convince you it’s worthwhile to order custom labels. In the end, the decision may really pay off.

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What You Must Know before Buying Custom Clothing Tags?

Posted on: September 16, 2016

A clothing line needs one very important piece of fabric which is the clothing tag without which a clothing line can never be considered complete. A clothing tag is an essential accessory that clothes need because it is the billboard of your clothes business in the world of fashion. Ambitious fashion designers launching their own business need to have clothing tags.

Care needs to be taken that the clothing tags you choose match the fashion sensibilities of your clothing line. In situations when the clothing tags need to blend well with the clothes designs, it is best to opt for custom clothing tags. Customization is the key to creating the right impression among clients. The moment you start personalizing clothing tags, the higher will be your repeat customers. In order to achieve this, make sure that you know the type of clothing tags before making the purchase.

Feel the Material– It is important to feel the material with which you will make the clothing tags. The touch of the fabric should be soft on your skin so that customers don’t have skin irritation or rashes. Tags play an important role and are a must on all your clothes so they need to be good enough.

Look for Personalized Designs– Personalization is the key towards making your customers appreciate your business and your brand of clothes. So, make sure you prefer more of customized clothing tags because that will appeal to customers more. When planning to take the personalization route, it is important to choose designs that are extensions of your choice of fashion clothes.

Choose Timeless Fashion Trends – Fashion trends are never constant and change is the only constant in this industry. Trends keep coming and going but only a select few remain constant throughout. Those are the timeless trends that remain fashionable in all seasons. It is important for designers to understand such trends and have them in their clothing tags. After all, clothing tags remain the same throughout so the designs need to be timeless that can stand the test of time.

It is important for designers to understand the trends and make the right choice while selecting the clothing tags. These are important identification that your clothes business needs and helps tremendously in shaping the marketing strategies.

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What Should Your Care Label Include?

Everyone has opened up the washer or dryer to find that an article of clothing has been ruined. Most of the time, this is the result of not paying attention to the care instructions that were included on the garment labels. If your goal is to provide quality items that consumers will take care of, you want to create a care label that includes several different pieces of information.

Content of Fabric

What’s your garment made of? There are lots of reasons that people want to know this information. Some are looking for a specific fabric makeup that they deem comfortable, while others are just interested in the fabric content because it gives them a hint as to how to care for it. Either way, be sure that you explain what your garment is made of. Many items have several different components, so add in each one with percentages included. Start with the item that is featured most prominently and then move to items like the combination fabrics and any accessories.


You want your customers to love the items that you make and purchase them over and over again. This means that they need to be able to understand how to care for them and clean them. Explain how the fabric should be cleaned. Many times, certain materials can only be washed in cold water. Others may be able to be washed in a machine on the warm setting. Delicate items often need to be hand washed. Clear instructions will help your customers enjoy your garments for an extended amount of time. Don’t forget to include how the items should be dried! No one wants to wash something the right way only to find that it comes out of the dryer several sizes too small.

RN Number and Manufacturing Location

When you place garment labels with care instructions, you also need to include the Registration Number. There’s no way around this one; it’s the law. This gives consumers a way to contact a company if something goes wrong with an item. Most of the time, people are going to use the brand name listed on the label to make contact. However, the RN number is there just in case. At the same time, you want to include where your items were made. This refers to where the pieces were cut and sewn. This information can also be used as a draw for customers who are looking to support different regions or shop domestically.

A care label is a great way for you to help your customers keep your garment looking great. Once you’ve set it up, it’s easy to reproduce on multiple items. You can even add care pictures to help a person determine how the piece should be washed in the washing machine. Each item is going to need an apparel label, and the care instructions are just another way to take advantage of that space. You and your customers will appreciate the information included on the care labels of your clothing items.

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What Makes Personalized Clothing Labels So Popular?

Clothing label is an important tool that is used by most of the cloth manufacturing companies to meet the clothing standards in the United States of America and other countries. The labels used are mainly made out of satin acetate that has a shiny finish to it. Moreover, this label is flexible and highly durable. Other materials used to make the clothing labels include cotton, polyester, and nylon.

The Reason Why These Labels are so Popular

You will find personalized clothing labels in different shapes and sizes. Generally, the size of the label depends on the size of the product where you are planning to use the label. You need a new label if you are opting for several pieces of fabric to create a new piece of clothing.

When you are opting for tailor-made clothing labels, make sure that they are easily viewable. If they are not seen properly, how will one come to know about the care and maintenance of the particular dress? Hence, the label must be visible especially when it is displayed for sale. In case, the label is not visible, make sure that the instructions are on the external packaging so that the buyer has a clear understanding of how to take care of the dress.

The clothing labels personalized can be attached to the fabric. As such they will stay on the fabric for the entire life of the clothing. Moreover, the custom made labels are of high quality, hence, they do not get discolored or disfigured easily. Even after several washes, the label is easily legible.

As a manufacturer of clothes, you must be aware that there are certain portions in a particular dress that are delicate and need to be washed with care. This means that you need to mention the words “dry cleaning only” on the label. This way you will be able to prevent the dress in question from getting damaged.

When you are opting for personalized clothing labels you have the option to mention the country of the fabric’s origin. This way you get the opportunity to promote your own country. How cool is that?

There are so many other things that you can do with personalized clothing labels. The obvious ones include your company name and logo. If you were on the lookout for an easy, inexpensive but highly effective way of promoting your company’s name, you can now do so by using a tailor-made label.

Now that you have decided to go for labels, use interesting designs. Let your imagination be the benchmark. When designing the label, keep in mind the type of clothing range that you offer. If your target audience is the college going student, use trendy designs like stilettos or a clutch bag. Interesting isn’t it?

The market is full of companies who are willing to create tailor-made clothing labels for you. Make a list of the service providers. Call several of them to find out the cost involved. Compare the cost and the services offered to find the one that does justice to your requirements.
