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Key to Success in Clothes Business – Custom Clothing Labels

Posted on: Apr 15, 2016

Clothes labels designers along with crafters are the main people behind the visual appeal that clothes labels enjoy. Interestingly, clothes labels are subject to a lot of customization and that is completely because customization generates a lot of buzz and creates a direct connect with buyers. Clothes labels add a professional look to your clothes and increase the chances of sale. When running a business, the higher sale percentage plays an important role and that is what entrepreneurs are mostly focused on. Interestingly, statistics and consumer trends have revealed that customization increases the sales quotient among clothes.

This brings clarity to the fact that clothes with tailor-made labels have a higher chance of selling compared to clothes having standard clothes labels. This might make all entrepreneurs jump at this opportunity of making customized labels for their clothes. In such a situation, it is important to note that customized labels are a costlier in comparison to the standard labels that clothes stores usually offer.

The reason customization on labels cost more is because:

  • Requires extra thought
  • Customization implies additional effort from craftsmen
  • Designs should have a brand connect and an audience connect

The additional labor requires additional cost and hence the high prices. But the labels that are tailor-made are every bit worth the money because of the visual appeal they flaunt and the immediate audience connect they create with potential buyers. Now that we know the reasons because of which customization on labels become a costly affair, let us understand how it influences a business towards success.

  • Breaks the Monotony – Customized labels is the best way to break the monotony in clothes label designs. This is the case because no two labels are the same and each label promises to be visually appealing without being repetitive.
  • Adds a Personal Touch – The main reason for customizing labels is to create a sense of belonging to the clients. It is necessary to add personal elements so that buyers feel that the clothes belong to them. So, personalization always helps a business.
  • Creates a Loyal Customer Base – The moment you pamper customers by adding a personal touch to the clothes they buy, they will obviously develop love and loyalty towards your clothes store. This in the long run always helps because they will keep coming back to you.

These are some of the essential factors that a clothes business enjoys after adding custom clothes labels. In fact, customizing clothes labels is the best branding strategy that companies can incorporate to attract more attention.

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Important Things to Know About Clothing Tags

Posted on: August 26, 2016

Are you planning to establish your own clothing line? Well, clothing tags are the integral parts of any apparel company. And, these can never be missed at any cost. The designers, who plan to launch their own apparel line, always think about creating a difference with these clothing tags. They tickle their minds to bring out a unique recognition for their brand to gain prominence in the industry. From all the eminent designers to the newbies in the market, all struggle to stand out in the crowd with their signature labels which automatically adds value to their brand. I can cite an instance for my above-statement like when you go for shopping you do check the labels before buying that particular product. Needless to say, clothing tags not only accentuates the brand’s value but also serves as the sources for reliability in times of exchange or return. So, invest more time to bring out a different clothing tag for which you’ll be well-known for your product in the business.

In the fashion world, designers invest a lot of their time, energy and money on bringing out the best labels for their company. Though there are mainly two types of garment labels and they are as follows:

Printed Clothing Labels– Well, most of the designers look forward to investing in these labels as they are easy and widely in demand. This is only because they are flexible and spacious. Sometimes, designers want to include personal messaging along with the name of the brand, its tagline and much more. In order to compete with their competitors, some designers look for incorporating photography on these labels with texts in stylish fonts and different colours. So, if you plan to add all these in your clothing tags then make sure the fabric used is of superior quality. The disadvantages of these labels are that they might fade away after few washes.

Woven Labels– What are you looking for? More space? Or Long durability? Well, if you’re searching for durable clothing tags then woven labels are the most appropriate choice for you. These contain the company’s name and the logo. Rest can be kept for the former types of labels because space is more and gives you enough room to include whatever pleases you to strike a difference. These woven labels as the name say are woven into the garment with polyester and cotton threads that make them durable and long-lasting. They are generally rectangular or oval shaped. Choose one shape that appeals you and integrate it into your brand.

If you follow the above-mentioned labels, you’ll be able to make a decision in order to select the types of labels that suit your business needs. Every designer has their own specifications regarding clothing tags, fabrics used for them, choosing the colours and much more. So, know what your requirement is and then zero down on the type of labels to bring accolades to your company.

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Important Facts about Clothing Labels

Posted on: Apr 01, 2016

In the recent days, the race for surviving in the competitive world has become a daunting task. There are more than one apparel lines that have made their presence felt with their unique branding and marketing strategies. If you want to be a part of it, you have to think out-of-the-box and come up with striking . The clothing labels provide an identity of the brand which is essential to sustain in the impulsive business world. Hence, the demand for these clothing tags is ever-increasing. Nowadays, people have become conscious of ‘who they are wearing’ than what they are wearing. The mass prefers buying branded clothes irrespective of their economic constraints. They like to buy quality than quantity. Yes, that’s the power of clothing tags. It needs special attention in terms of the design, tagline and so on as it will act as an identity of the particular brand. Some people also treat it as a style statement. So, a clothing line is incomplete without a tag.

Here are a few important facts about the clothing labels. Read below to know more:

  • Labels are generally made of satin that provides a shine to the texture. They are flexible and exclusively designed to restrain damages due to washing, drying and so on. There are a few companies who make the labels out cotton, polyester and nylon.
  • The labels are differently shaped according to the company requirements. They are generally rectangular or square in shape. The sizes vary from 1 inch to 2 inches or half an inch by 1 inch.
  • Different sizes and shapes of clothing labels are available in the market. The sizes of the labels depend on the sizes of the final products.
  • The clothing labels must be clearly visible to everyone. They must also be viewable when the product is out for sale in the market. Sometimes, special instructions are also mentioned on the labels
  • The labels must be attached well to the clothing and must not wear out at any cost.
  • Product labels must contain all important instructions of how to maintain the fabric of the product.
  • If a fabric is fragile towards washing, then proper instructions should be mentioned well on the labels. In the case of dry cleaning for particular clothing, it should be mentioned in bold letters so that it’s visible.
  • It is crucial to mention the name of the country of origin of the fabric. This is important because the price of the fabric may vary depending on that.

Clothing labels help immensely in identifying a particular brand. They help to foster the significance of the brands in the cut-throat competition of the market. So, if you’re planning to open a clothing line, never forget to finalize on a clothing label with all the vital information. A brand is widely popular by its label so leave no stones unturned for achieving the pinnacle of glory for your clothing line. All the best!

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Importance of Quality in Fabric of Labels for Clothing

Posted on: May 13, 2016

Have you ever seen a clothing line without labels? I’m sure no one ever witnessed a clothing line without labels. Well, labels are the most crucial part of the clothing industry. It gives an identity to the brand and also makes their presence felt in the market with its uniqueness. Can you compromise on the quality of the fabric of labels for clothing? It’s absolutely not advisable because if you settle for something not up to the standard now then don’t dream of making your business noticeable in the industry. Your clothing label is the reflection of your business, so the quality of the fabric used for labels should be of top quality. If you want to create a name for your business, invest properly on the fabrics that will help you give an identity in the market. The durability of the fabric sets you apart and helps you to stand at par with your competitors in the market.

The entrepreneurs understand the importance of the fabric quality in terms of giving their brand the recognition which one craves for. Choose a fabric that will give you all the appreciation that you want and make your brand a success. Here are the materials that are usually used for clothing labels, read below to know more:

Materials used for Clothing Labels-

The labels used for clothing industry are made of different materials like Damask, Taffeta, Satin and Woven cotton. These are the popular fabrics used by the clothing industry. Each one has their individual characteristics, price and appearance, choose the one that suits your brand and finalise one. Read below to know more about these fabrics-

  • Damask- It’s known for its softness and durability that is appropriate for infant clothing. It can tolerate harsh washing. Most importantly, the durability of the fabric allows minute detailing of the logo effectively on the labels. If you’re ready for spending, then pick this fabric as you’ll be happy with the end result.

  • Taffeta- It provides an artistic look with raised lettering and small visible dots. It’s preferred by most of the brands for its distinctiveness.
  • Satin- If you’re looking for that extra sheen on the label, then select satin without any second thought. It’s smooth, shiny and adds glamour to the brand. But, it’s not as durable as damask. If it satisfies your need then satin is a good choice.

  • Woven Cotton- It’s one of the strongest fabrics that are used by the majority for its simple nature. It’s cost-effective and adds value to the brand.

Decide on the fabric smartly at the initial stage to make a mark in the industry. You can’t pick a low-quality fabric for your clothing industry as it will not give you the significance which you’re looking for. Select a durable, trendy and high-end fabric for the clothing labels for your brand to reach the pinnacle of glory in the industry.

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How You Can Use Die Cut Clothing Hang Tags for Different Types of Apparels?

Running an apparel business is fun, especially when you are dealing with a variety of garments. Your client base will comprise of eccentric buyers, the serious ones and those who love to experiment. As you have different types of clothes to promote, you need to tap into the maximum possible number of target audience. Have you ever thought, what is the first thing that you check when you buy a dress? You check the tag! Yes, we all look for the tag when we check out a dress. Why do we do it? This is because the tag has all the details of the particular dress. Right from the dress size to the material used to make the dress along with the cleaning and maintenance tips – everything is mentioned in the tag. In short, the hang tags provide the buyer with all the required information on the particular dress.

There are so many different types of clothing hang tags. Use the one that best defines your business. Die cut hang tags is uncommon and offbeat and are a great way to promote your product and business in a better way. The more unique and unusual the hang tags, the better it is.

How You Can Use Die Cut Clothing Hang Tags for Different Types of Clothes?

Kids’ Wear: When you use clothing hang tags that the kids can relate to will help to promote your particular clothing line in a better way. Opt for star shaped tags for boys and the ones with heart shaped prints for girls. By checking out the tags, the buyers will know which one is meant for whom.

Teens’ Wear: Teenage kids are quite fashion conscious nowadays. They look out for clothing that is trendy and attractive. In order to attract them towards your clothing line, go for hang tags in the shape of iPod, lipstick or even a stiletto. The designs you choose will depend on the kind of target audience you wish to attract.

Summer Wear: When it comes to designing hang tags, you can use your creativity to the core. For example: If you are selling a bikini, opt for a clothing hang tag in the shape of a suntan lotion bottle. Both these products complement each other.

Winter Attire: Shopping for the winter season means buying of warm garments that will keep you warm. To attract such buyers use hang tags in the shape of snowflakes.

Using custom made hang tags is a great way to promote your clothing line. There are many service providers who offer tailor-made clothing hang tags. Make a list of the service provider whom you would like to check out. Before you go ahead and hire the service provider, find out the cost involved. As a company manufacturing clothes, you will need several hundreds of clothing tags for your clothing line. Hence, find out whether the service provider will offer any discount or not. There is no need to feel shy about it.

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How Xpresa Custom Clothing Labels Can Help Your Business

How Does Xpresa Help Small Clothing Businesses? offers a solution to this problem with their custom clothing tags. Xpresa allows any individual an easy-to-use means of producing a great number of completely customized clothing tags that are all uniformly created and delivered to you unbelievably quickly. No matter what stage your clothing business is in, it is important not to overlook even the smallest detail, like the clothing tag. A great clothing tag is an important part of a clothing business as it reminds the customer of their satisfaction with the business every time the clothing is worn. A label that isn’t unique enough may begin to go unnoticed by a customer, which might mean a customer who won’t think of you next time they are shopping for new clothing.

Two of the most significant factors in a clothing brand are design and the quality of construction and materials. These incredibly important factors are completely reflected in the clothing label. If the label is poorly designed and looks cheap, the rest of the company will look the same. When you are starting a new business, especially a clothing company, you probably have a good idea of where you want to be, but the means of getting there can be hard to determine. One of the biggest hurdles can be overcoming a lack of production size and speed. You might have all the creative genius in the world, but being without the ability to turn it into something can be very frustrating.

Using to create tags and labels for your clothing brand ensures that you have the exact design you want on every label made and you have them precisely when you need them. With Xpresa, you are also able to order labels in great quantities so you never have to worry about waiting for that final touch on your pieces.

Why Do I Need Xpresa Labels for My Business?

Many smaller operations are unable to produce intricate pieces like clothing labels at a very fast pace, so using Xpresa labels can help you keep on top of production and focus on the bigger picture. Utilizing Xpresa’s services saves you time that is very precious in the world of clothing. Designing and creating new pieces takes a great deal of time, so the more time you have, the more you can advance your business. Once you have a label design, all you need to do is put in an order online, and what could have been an incredibly time-consuming part of your operations is all taken care of. With this ease of use, you can even make labels with information specific to each piece of clothing. The labels don’t have to be generic for mass production; they can include sizing information, instructions for care and washing, and whatever else you need to include for your customers, and your order will still be delivered precisely when you need it.

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How Woven Tags Help in Building Brands?

So, when you have finally decided to start your clothing line, the first thing that has probably crossed your mind is how you will start promoting your products. Obviously, this is quite tough especially in the initial phase, but considering your immense passion for fashion, hard won’t be an issue. But , it is always important to find an effective way to make your customers identify your brand amidst the crowd of similar other brands.

According to the experts, implementing custom woven labels into your designs can really make a difference. By doing so, you can instantly let your customers know that detail matters a lot. At the end of the day, your label will be a constant reminder of your brand. Due to its customized appearance, it is likely to make a greater impact on your targeted audience.

There are many reasons behind using woven labels rather than tags. We’ll look at some of the top reasons here.

Custom Woven Labels Add an Exotic Touch

Clothing labels are more than just a space to stamp your logo. In fact, they are part of your design which in the long run is going to talk about your brand. You have to be extraordinary creative when it comes to the label. Show your customer that detailing matters to you a lot, and hence, every piece of material on your clothing has meaning.

Conveying the Right Message

Woven labels stay with the garments for years. So, you can use it for delivering the right messaging anytime. It has to be pretty clear and must speak to your customer. You can use colors and imagery, or you can keep it simple and just include your brand logo. Actually, with a right message, you can keep your customers remember you every time they wear. However, make sure your messaging stands for something.

Woven Tags Reveal Sophistication

You might have noticed that there’s something classic and sophisticated about adding a woven label to your clothing. It’s not about being stylish and trendy. Instead, it’s about sophistication, class and panache. And, that’s where your brand stands out from the crowd. Wasn’t that really your goal when you started your clothing line? With it, you can simply create something really eye-catching and memorable. That’s what will get customers stop and look twice.

Get Custom Woven Labels with Xpresa Labels

Fashion is a competitive industry. And, then there are fashion brands, that have spent decades for building their identity. Obviously, it will be difficult for a newcomer to make its mark. However, with Xpresa Labels , you can get a great way to build your own audience and establish your brand. With exclusive woven tags designed by Xpresa Labels, you can go into a lot of detailing, play with colors, patterns and fabric, and design something that carries its own uniqueness. Keep in mind that these details are crucial when you are creating a new brand or even redesigning an existing brand.

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How to Start Your Own Clothing Company

Posted on: June 30, 2016

It is believed that a satisfied customer is the secret of a successful business. However, when talking or even establishing business all that people think of is revenue and sales. Ideally, the focus should be on the people, their level of satisfaction and how the business is contributing to their lives. One of the lucrative businesses in today’s day and age is the clothes business and that is because of the overwhelming demand that clothes enjoy among the youth today. Clothes are an attraction because they are all things glossy and nice.

So, if you wish to make it big as a successful clothes designer, then remember you are just a drop in the ocean. Thankfully, there is tremendous scope for this drop to make a difference in the ocean of the fashion and clothes industry. Start your own clothing label and make sure to take gradual steps to go up the success ladder. You might be a great designer, but establishing a business banking on that is just not enough. So, let us help you grasp knowledge on the other important factors that will help in establishing a great clothes business.

Develop Different and Unique Clothes Designs – Starting your own clothing line business demands that you don’t make all your clothes look monotonous. Monotony is the silent killer for your business because customers tend to get bored seeing the same old stuff. Aim to make all your clothes designs different from the previous set.

Design a Prototype – A prototype is important so that you can successfully show your clients what you have in store for them. However, keeping prototypes ready and handy is essential to strike the best first impression among customers.

Find the Right Materials – Materials play an important role in coming up with high quality designs in clothes. Care needs to be taken that the materials are of good quality because that will contribute to designing great clothes. Source your materials effectively keeping the price and the quality in mind.

Get the Right Funding – Business is all about acquiring the right fund so that the business is smooth sailing. Establishing a clothes business is a tough call requiring a lot of hard work and proper financing. Ensure to make the right investment that will promise a good and profitable return in the future.

Market and Advertise– Consumerism is currently trending and that is why advertising and marketing strategies are a necessity today for the clothes business to prosper. It is important to have a high functional marketing team by your side. They have the right expertise to advertise your clothes business well and in the right places.

Enjoying sales and profits are extremely satisfying, but always remember to think of the bigger picture. Your vision of this big picture needs to be achieved with the help of your brand of clothes that aims to be different. Have the foresightedness to move forward and challenge your skills so that you can improve with every passing day. It is time for your clothes to do the talking and set the revenue bells ringing.

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How To Improve Your Brand With Hang Tags For Clothing

You’re probably thinking that tags on clothing aren’t of major relevance to your business, but they play a part in brand recognition and customer expectations. They add a personal touch and can include useful information that your consumers may benefit from. They don’t have to only display the price of the garment, they can be jazzy, eye-catching, and represent your brand. Shoppers that are unsure whether or not to purchase your clothing may be encouraged to make a purchase with strategically placed tags that show relevant information.

Can hang tags for clothing really improve your brand?

Customers expect to find tags on clothing nowadays, and if they aren’t present this can negatively impact their decision to buy. If used properly, a hang tag can improve your position in the market amongst competitors and portray a professional business.

There is necessary information that should be included on your tag, which can make it challenging to get the design right. What should you include to improve your brand with such a simple addition to your clothing?

  • The first thing you must add to hang tags for clothing is your brand or logo. If you have a tagline add that in as well.

  • Any relevant information needs to be displayed as this will be what the customer is looking for. This could be price and size, and anything else you feel is significant to the product.

  • Include your company information, such as website, contact number, and social media information as this goes home with them.

  • Include care instructions if you prefer, but these are also suitable on inside garment labels. Do, of course, consider displaying care instructions if there are specific washing requirements, such as hand-wash only.

The challenge you may find when designing your hang tags for clothing will be ensuring they appeal to your average customer as you don’t want to restrict your target audience. In today’s competitive clothing marketplace, your tag should stand out and look appealing. This will help get your business noticed and increase brand awareness. If you are building a strong reputation for your brand already, utilizing a tag will ensure that consumers know immediately they are buying a high-quality product. By catching a customer’s eye and giving them relevant information right in front of them, they are more likely to buy.

The size of the tag should coincide with the size of the garment. They need to be seen, so can’t be too small, but will look untidy if they are too large for the garment. Keep them clear–cut and to the point. Create a clean and informative design to portray your brand across in a positive way.

Help your business get noticed using hang tags. Improve your brand and stand out above competitors. Don’t let your garments hide away, use bold, attractive colors and your logo to enable your brand to become recognisable, commanding attention. Taking the time and effort to produce a tag adds quality and a professional touch to your clothing while putting your brand out there to be recognized in future clothing purchases.

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How to Customize your Label Online

A brand without a label is like a body without a face. If you think you can do away without a label then that is possibly the worst marketing mistake you can commit to your business. If you already have a brand label and are not being able to reap the expected benefits, then it’s time you redesign your brand logo and give a facelift to your labels as well. You can get started by designing your custom clothing tags and labels online with the help of an easy-to-use design tool.
What do I get started?
First and foremost, conduct a market research on the brand colors and fonts that might have the maximum potential to capture the attention of your target consumers. Based on that, make a blueprint of your logo design and content.
How do I use the design tool?
• Label text: Once you’re done with creating a final blueprint of your label design you can open the design tool. You will be given the option to enter the content on the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth line. It’s not necessary to fill up all of the lines unless it is absolutely necessary. Try not to clutter the label with too much content.

• Label size: The size of the label depends on the type of product. Enter the size within 0.5 to 3 inches for both the length (height) and width (Left to Right).
For clothing labels, the standard length ranges from 0.9 to 2 inches. The standard width is between 0.5 to 0.9 inches.
The length of the care content labels ranges from 1.97 to 3 inches. The width is generally from 1.18 to 1.5 inches.

• Color scheme: Choose the text color and background color wisely for an eye-catching label. The color palette of the design tool has all those colors that will make for an appealing brand label.

• Font selection: Font plays a key role to complete the entire look and feel of the brand label. Don’t just randomly choose a font just for the heck of it. Seek help for a professional designer who would help you with this. The design tool offers suave fonts like Arial, Berlin sans, Bookman Old Style, Calibri, Century Gothic, Freestyle Script, Impact, Kristen itc, Lucida Sans, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet Ms, and Verdana.
• Font size: The font size ranges between 8 and 48. Keep it small and simple to understand.
Double check the details once again and then submit the details to receive an instant free quote.

You can check out the samples of custom woven labels, printed labels, hang tags, and care labels here.
