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Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Printed Clothing Labels

Posted on: October 14, 2016

Clothes labels play an important role in the clothes and fashion industry. The major reason for that is the fact that labels represent a clothes brand in the consumer market. It is important for customers to know the different names that exist in the industry. Having knowledge of the different clothes brands that exist will help them to choose their favorite brand. Along with this, a clothes business must have a name and that comes in the form of clothes labels.

There is a variety of clothes labels available and the common ones include woven labels, clothes labels and printed labels. The label type needs to be chosen keeping in mind the design, quality and material of the clothes in your store. The label designs are customized considering the trends that your store is famous for. In such a scenario it is important for entrepreneurs to avoid some common mistakes when buying the appropriate printed clothing labels.

Not Checking the Digital Print – After selecting the label design, it is important to check the first digital print of the label. The reason being, the way you plan to design the label and the final output that comes often tend to be very different. In order to ensure that the differences are minimal because you want the clothing labels exactly the way you designed, make sure that you check the digital print of the labels.

Not Checking the Sample Labels – Once the label designs are in place and the order has been placed successfully, remember to check the first sample set, as this will be a reflection of how the remaining clothes labels will look like. So, checking the sample will help you understand how your labels will come out and also suggest necessary changes

Ordering just the Bare Minimum – Often entrepreneurs and clothes designers make the mistake of ordering just the bare minimum clothes labels for their stores. This is mainly done assuming that the prices will come down. But that is not the case because buying labels in wholesale is actually a lot more cost-effective.

The clothes label is the face of your business and it is important that the label is of the best quality to appeal to customers and create the right impression. It is time to innovate your labels in order to get the maximum attention.

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Maintenance Essentials to Ensure Long Lasting Clothes

Posted on: May 30, 2016

Clothes fashion has been subject to a lot of change over the years and that is perhaps the fun part of loving good clothes. Whenever you make a purchase, you will always know that it is trendy now and you should make the most of this opportunity today. Fashion is one industry where no trend remains constant for a very long time. So you can always experiment with your looks and make sure to add new trends, colours, designs and fashion to your closet. However, having good clothes is not enough because you need to maintain them very well. This is often the challenge that people face when it comes to maintaining their clothes so that they are long lasting.

However, clothes maintenance on the other hand is not rocket science provided you remember some of the most important aspects while making your purchase and how you keep them over the months or years. Let us guide you through this entire process so that it seems like an easy task.

Checking Quality of Garments – This is one of the most important factors and hence has been mentioned right in the beginning. One cannot expect to maintain their clothes well if the quality is not good. So make sure to check the quality of clothes before you go ahead and buy them. Good quality clothes guarantee high durability.

Manage Purchasing Tips – Good quality clothes does not necessarily mean high prices. Surprisingly, there are several clothes store who offer complete value for money by offering clothes at reasonable and affordable rates. When you are certain about the quality and know for sure that they clothes will be long lasting, then it is better not to flaunt your bargaining skills and give the price the clothes deserve.

Stain Removal Process – Stain removal is the biggest challenge that most people face when the purchase has been made already. In order to get the best results, make sure to read the instructions carefully written on the custom woven labels. Labels offer the best instructions and guarantee effective results.

Drying process for Wet Clothes – Most people are of the opinion that post the clothes are washed it should be hanged on the outside where the clothes receive maximum sunlight. Excessive sunlight can lead to the clothes wrinkling which is not good for garments. So do not fall back on washing machines to dry the clothes completely. Instead, remove them from the dryer when they are still damp for longer durability.

Cleaning Processes for Drying Clothes – The cleaning process for all clothes are different and it is not possible for consumers to know the exact process. This is when clothing labels come into the picture for rescue. Make sure that you read the distinct clothes drying processes mentioned categorically on labels and do exactly that.

These are some of the essential processes to keep clothes clean and enjoy their long durability. It is indeed very satisfying to stay trendy and the best way to do that is through proper maintenance. However, buying the right clothes and checking the material and overall quality also plays a key role in its durability.

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Labels for Clothing: Woven vs. Satin

There’s no doubt you want your label on any of the garments that you produce. You want your consumers to know what they are getting and know where they can get more if they really like the look and feel. When it comes to clothing labels, it’s important to choose between woven and satin materials. There are benefits to both that need to be taken into consideration before making a final decision. You’ll need to think about the appearance of the label, what is says about the garment, and how dependable it will be several washes down the road.

Woven Labels

If you want something that is going to stand up to a lot of wear and tear, woven material is the way to go. This means that no matter how many times that t-shirt gets washed, when it comes out, the name of the apparel company is still going to be clear and easy to read. You’ve got lots of colors to choose from and you can make the labels that you want, complete with font, color and texture.

At the same time, the cost of woven labels tends to be lower than the satin alternative. For those that are just getting started, woven offers a way to get the name brand out on those first items without breaking the bank. Despite the lower cost, today’s woven clothing labels are fairly soft and hold up well to their purpose. There’s a chance that people who love your items will continue to check the tags and try and buy something from that same brand.

Satin Labels

If you are trying to achieve a high-end look or feel, satin labels may be your best option. Immediately consumers notice the difference in the way the label looks and when they place a garment on, they are going to notice the different feel. Satin tags are less likely to be removed from an article of clothing because they are uncomfortable. However, in order to get this more expensive look, you’re going to be paying more than you would for traditional woven tags.

If you want the expensive look, you are going to need to sacrifice durability. After spending some time in the wash and being worn, the satin labels are going to start to fade. If you take a peek in your own closet, you’ll probably see a couple of favorite clothing items with these types of tags and struggle to read the brand name of the sizing. Eventually, the information on the satin labels is going to be unrecognizable.

Woven labels and satin labels both bring something unique to the table. It’s important to think about what is most important to you when you place a tag on your clothing item. If you want to make sure that the information lasts and that consumers will see it after many uses, the woven option is going to be best. However, if you are attempting a more expensive look and feel, stick with the satin.

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Labels For Care Homes

Living in a care or nursing home often means clothing is washed and dried communally in one large washer and dryer. This means people might not end up with the same garments they put in the wash, and it can leave the home with a pile of unclaimed clothing. This is especially the case if there are people living there who have Alzheimer’s or dementia or are otherwise unaware of which articles of clothing belong to them.

This is when having custom woven labels in the garments comes in handy. Labelled to each person living in the home, custom labels will help staff members and the people living there. Staff can also benefit greatly from custom labels for their own clothing or uniforms. The job can often get messy, and it might be important for a nursing home worker to change their uniform mid-shift. With custom woven labels sewn in the garment, it’s easy to tell which items belong to a person after laundering.

High quality for sensitive skin

Many people residing in a care or nursing home might have problems with their skin or sensitive skin in general, so having labels that will be less likely to irritate are ideal. Woven satin labels are a great option because they have a soft feeling with smooth edges.

Woven damask labels have the lettering or logo tightly woven to create a smooth surface more similar to printed labels but with the high quality of woven varieties. This is especially helpful if the label you are adding to the garment is the second label near the brand or clothing maker’s label. You will want to have a seamless label that is not noticeable when the person is wearing the item of clothing.

Placement in the garment

The labels can be sewn onto the garment with stitching on all sides to leave no part of the label sticking up. Alternatively, the label can create a loop that can be hung on a hook. For a loop, choose labels that are folded in half and sewn on one end or labels with the ends folded in and sewn on either side. Labels with the loop for easy hanging are very popular to add to garments that already have labels from the clothing maker because they can go right above or next to them.

Woven labels are strongly made so they can go through vigorous washes. They shouldn’t fade like printed labels might, which is quite helpful in a home that uses large industrial-type washing machines that tend to be a bit harsher on clothing.

With high-quality custom labels and excellent placement in the garment, everyone in the nursing or care home will be able to recognize their clothing. Each person living in the home can even have their own personalized logo or font to help differentiate items and to give everyone a more unique feel. You can use different colors or logos for different floors of rooms or for staff versus guests. Whatever you choose, customized labels are sure to help everyone.

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Labeling Your Children’s Winter Garments is a Must!

Have you ever heard of clothing labels? This is a very common concept that parents implement in order to keep their children’s clothes safe and secured from getting lost. Kids are generally forgetful in nature and if you too have naughty kids at home, you can relate to the situation when they come back home from school without their sweaters or jackets! At this point of time, the only thing you can do is search for their woolens at school. But the chances are very less that you will find them. Kids usually wear similar winter clothes and you can now keep your child’s woolens secured by labeling them with the help of Xpresa Labels. We have a host of options to choose from. Just pick the label you like the most, stick or sew them on the clothes and get rid of all the worries of misplacing your kid’s winter garments at school!

Why Make Use of Clothing Labels?

• Labeling your children’s winter wear will make it easier for you to pick their hats, jackets and boots out from the piles of garments. It will be easier for you to sort them every day before you send them to the school. Also, teachers really appreciate the parents who take out some time to label their kids’ winter garments as it becomes easy for them to help the kids find their own clothes. Also, labeling kids’ winter wear will help the teachers to solve any kinds of dispute at school regarding the garments.

• Another benefit of labeling kids’ winter clothes is that you will be relieved to see them coming back home wearing the same woolen garment that they were wearing when they left for school. For example, your kid has participated in the annual sports. He took off his sweater and kept it on the ground while playing. Now, if you have used a clothing label, be rest assured that your kid will be able to identify his sweater from a heap of other woolens very easily.

• When your kids will see their names on their garments, it will make them feel special too. They will have a sense of identity. They can also select the patterns and colors of the label before you put them on their clothes. However, you should remember that you must buy the labels which are of high quality. At Xpresa Labels, we have the best clothing labels for kids. Do some research and you will get hold of the best.

There are different ways in which you can put the labels on your kid’s clothing. You can sew them or stick them. However, do not be like those parents who do not pay much attention to their kids winter wears. They tend to lose the newly bought jackets and sweaters more often. Hence, in order to preserve the winter wears of your kids for a longer period of time, you must label them. This way, it will be easier for you to identify their clothes if they lose it someday at school. At Xpresa Labels, we offer highest quality labels of all types. No matter which type of labels you need, just let our representatives know. We will pay much attention to all your requirements and you will be absolutely satisfied with our service.

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Labeling Items For Nurseries And Child Care Centers

Woven and printed labels are in virtually every piece of clothing, from infant wear to garments for adults. The clothing brand or manufacturer will have its logo printed in some way on each garment, along with possible washing instructions. Infant, toddler and children’s clothing items will have similar clothing labels with the brand and washing instructions listed on the garment itself.

Easily identifying children’s clothing items

With many common styles among children’s clothing, it can be hard for nurseries and child care centers to know which items belong to which children. This is when getting personalized labels can be very beneficial to differentiate between age groups and spaces, or even individual children.

Some nurseries use their logo on a label for extra clothing pieces that are sent in the diaper bag with the child when they are in care. It’s a great idea to provide these labels to the parents upon registering to help everyone stay organized and avoid any unnecessary confusion later. It is important to choose a label with a smooth design, perhaps a woven or damask label. This will help avoid any irritation to children’s sensitive skin.

Keeping the nursery or child care centre organized

The use of clothing labels doesn’t necessarily need to be confined to clothing. Other items can benefit from these types of labels, from blankets and shoes to special toys. Nurseries and early-years child care centers in particular have many items that can benefit from labeling.

Nap time comes up a few times a day in any nursery or child care center. This means fresh blankets and sheets may be needed multiple times a day. Some child care center are getting their nap times organized with labelled sheets for each day of the week, or to help differentiate morning and afternoon nap times. The labels are washable and help identify which sets of sheet or blankets are being used, keeping a clean and healthy rotation for nap times.

Besides clothing and blankets, there are many little feet passing through child care. That means many little shoes making their way in and out, being taken off and put back on multiple times a day by excited children. Thankfully, there are labels that can be easily put on shoes as well, such as pressure sensitive adhesive labels. These help staff easily find any rogue shoes and get them to their rightful owner. These personalized tags can also be placed on certain toys that children take into day care on a daily basis to help them keep track of their items.

In addition to children’s belongings, the uniforms of the staff can also be easily identified with labels. This can be accomplished with personalized names on sweaters that are often taken on or off, or even labeling different days of the week similar to sheets and blankets to ensure clean uniforms are worn each day. Whether they’re used for personalization or to help with organization, everything can run smoother with the help of labels.

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Label That Fit Best on Clothes

Labels are many types and clothing companies are experimenting with many different labels that give greater character to their designs. Choosing the right label may appear to be challenging due to the choices in the market. Learning about some types of logos may be helpful. Here is a list to select the right label for your dresses.

Woven Labels

Have you found those printed labels irritating when you wear your new clothes? They stick to the neck to make you feel scratchy. Recognizing this predicament many labeling companies like Xpresa Labels have chosen to rely more on woven labels. Woven labels feel soft and come in 8 colors depending on the brand. They offer more versatility. The price is quite reasonable and can withstand any amount of wear and tear. They stand well to washes as the colors never fade and stay as long as you are using your clothes.

Satin Labels

Another choice that many manufacturers prefer is satin labels that have the logo printed on them. Though the material is smooth and feels extremely soft to the skin, with time the printed logo starts fading and may be forgotten.

Heat Transferred Labels

Heat transferred labels feel good against the skin. However, they are expensive as you have to pay extra for the heat which comes up to the same cost of printed satin labels. Finding a skilled craftsman knowing how to adhere the labels on clothing is difficult. The charges are high. In most cases, it is a lot of running around with first printing and finishing the job.

Iron labels

Iron labels have been in practice for years and they are easy to use. However, the most important concern is that ironed labels have a tendency to peel out. However, some companies are making an effort to keep them stuck to the apparel even if the logo fades. They are ironed covering paper as protection and are made from a soft blend of cotton and polyester. With time these labels become a part of the garment. Ironing labels are useful in school uniforms and rest homes.

Rubber labels

Environmentally friendly rubber labels are also being used extensively by many companies. They are time tested and though don’t allow too much comfort but don’t act as a hindrance to the garment. These labels are best used on staff uniforms.

Silicon Transferable labels

Silicon labels are cost effective and can take any amount of stretching. They are heat resistant and produce a beautiful 3D effect. This too is environmentally friendly. This label can be customized in the best possible way. For unique brand logos on clothing, you can really do wonders with silicon transferable labels.

Choosing the right label depends on the fabric and material that the label will be used on. So choose your label wisely and get the best effect for your product.

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Label Attachment: The Ironing Board or the Sewing Machine?

There are lots of reasons that a label is such an important part of a garment. A designer wants to make sure that customers know who created the amazing piece. Consumers want to know how to care for the item when the time comes to clean it. A lot of thought goes into the label, the information it contains, and how it is attached to the fabric. For most retailers, the choice comes down to sewing the garment label into the fabric or ironing the label onto it. There are benefits to both options.

Sewing In the Labels

Armed with a sewing machine, it is possible to attach labels to all sorts of materials. If you aren’t interested in using the machine, you can always get out a needle and thread and carry out the work by hand. Either way, sewing labels into a fabric can be accomplished with a large variety of materials. You aren’t going to wonder if sewing is the best choice for an item; you’ll know it is. It is a permanent way to add a label to a garment.

On the downside, it’s going to take some time to get the label in place. It’s nice that it will be permanent, but in order to completely secure it, you may find yourself sewing all the way around the label. Because the size of the label is often small, it can be time-consuming work.

Ironing On the Labels

For those who are not skilled with a sewing machine or don’t want to lug it out of the closet, iron-on garment labels are a great choice. You just need a hot iron, an ironing board, and a little bit of time to work on multiple pieces. On the upside, this is an easy way to get a lot of labels on in a short amount of time. Certain items aren’t easy to get through the sewing machine; for example, hats don’t lie flat enough to make it possible to sew on a label. The iron-on alternative is ideal in these cases.

Nevertheless, there is a downside to these. Iron-on labels are not going to be able to work on all material. If you are creating swimsuits or something out of a more delicate fabric, an iron is not going to be the best choice. Other materials may require that you iron a label on and then go back and sew it on to reinforce the connection.

Sewing and ironing are both great options for attaching garment labels. After considering the type of item that needs a label and the material from which it is made, the rest is often personal preference. Ideally, you should pick the method that will work best for you, fitting into your goal for the garment. Think about how permanent you want the label to be, where it is going to go, and which method is going to be more comfortable for you.

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Know the Benefits and Uses of Clothing Labels

Do you aspire to be a part of the clothing industry? Well, if you have plans of opening your own clothing line, then you should definitely consider the clothing labels that work wonder in the industry for their uniqueness. For instance, if you’re the customer looking for a pair of denim, what would you consider first? Of course, the clothing label or the hang tags. So, needless to say, that the clothing labels have gained a position as identity providers to the brands in the industry. And moreover, in this world of growing industrialization, not having a clothing label for your company is a matter of concern and will incur a heavy loss in the long run. This is because the cloth labels provide identities to organizations which form the source of credibility in case of unfavorable situations like poor quality of material and many other unlikely situations.

Now, there are many different types of clothing labels that include printed labels, woven labels, embroidered labels, custom labels and the variety continues. Out of the above-mentioned labels, the printed and woven ones are in demand for their effective features. Hereafter, let’s concentrate on the benefits and uses of these clothing labels in a broader way. To know more, keep reading below:

  • Provides sole identity to a brand – The clothing labels act as identity creators for various brands in the industry. And most importantly, they serve as faces of companies differentiating one from the other. So, needless to say, that the clothing labels help a brand to establish its own identity with its own exclusiveness. In this way, the clothing labels have gained importance in the present business scenario.
  • Aids the customers with important information – Now, the clothing labels consist of all the essential information that include the brand’s name, the tagline of the company, the name of the manufacturer, the washing instructions and the list continues. It helps the customers with all the needed information about the company and also about the size of the apparels that aid the customers in their shopping.
  • Helps the company to stand tall in the competition – In the present day, standing at par with other competitors is tasking. One of the many ways to stand out in the crowd is through labeling. Hence, the clothing labels help all the organizations to build their own face with their choice of labeling. At this instant, we all know that not a single company has similar kind of label that collides with any other brand in the industry as the labeling is reserved with copyright terms and conditions by law.

Once, you got a hang of the extensive benefits associated with labeling, after that, you would definitely like to look for label manufacturing companies for creating your brand name. So, in this context, Xpresa Labels, one of the leading label manufacturing companies in the USA can help you in your journey. To know more about them, visit their page – and get started now!

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Know the Advantages of Custom Printed Labels

Posted on: June 03, 2016

Okay, before getting into the intricacies of the advantages of the custom printed labels, it’s really important to know what custom printed labels are. We all know that labeling is one of the most important marketing strategies. All the companies in the corporate world look for labeling their products which act as an identity creator. Labels comprise the name of the company, the manufacturer of the company, the batch number, the manufacturing date and also additional information like washing, drying methods and so on. With custom printed labels, you can modify the labels with a personal touch for better recognition and results. There are millions of companies in the market who have their individual labels but the real challenge is to stand out in the crowd with something unique. So, if you want to make an impact in the industry, get custom printed labels for your brand as early as possible.

Let’s give you a proper picture of the advantages that are associated with the custom printed labels. Keep reading below to know more:

Available in variety– This is one of the topmost advantages of the custom printed labels. They are available in innumerable shapes, sizes, designs, colors, and varied concepts. They show the snippets of your product in a lucrative way that attracts customer’s attention. You can choose one shape, size and so on from the many that suit your business needs to the best. You are the master of your own trade. So, you know what sells the best for your product. Hence, get the custom printed labels designed accordingly to garner more attention from the existing and future customers.

Flexible in designing– This is one of the most vital advantages of the custom printed labels. With custom printed labels, explore your creativity to its best. You can include whatever you want to and present it all in your own way. So, choose the material which you like for getting the labels of your brand and get started with the designing. Mould the labels in your way as you know what will sell the best for your product in the market. Choose wisely and get the finest results that you’re aspiring for.

Cost-effective– If you’re looking for a cost-effective way of promoting your brand, then custom printed labels are the best. There are many companies who are into the business of printing and providing customized labels to the clients. Consult them, have a word with them regarding your specifications and get the customized labels at the best deals. The custom printed labels are the best that fit your budget and also aware the public of your products and services.

If you’re looking for establishing your own brand, then go for custom printed labels and reap good results for your business. The custom printed labels have taken the industry by storm as everyone wants to be different from one another and it’s possible only through customized labels. So, don’t follow the common trend rather strike out with something different that draws everyone’s interest.
