5 nifty Tips to design clothing custom labels

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Now that we are at the forefront of digital explosion, making your clothing custom label has become much easier. You will get an array of options to create your own designs online and get your customized labels delivered from the best label makers. However, there are certain things you might want to reconsider while you design your label.

Delightful Design

This is probably the cornerstone of making the perfect label for your brand. It involves hours of brainstorming sessions and research. If possible, make an online survey and try to gather feedback from different people. There are a lot of free online platforms which gives you an option to conduct polls. Single out the best design and start working on it. Or else, you can put the designs on your Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest wall and ask people to vote for the best one.

Color play

Besides picking out the brand color as per the nature of your product, you should ensure that you don’t mix the colors. Use contrasting colors to accentuate the brand name, keeping the basic color of your brand intact. For instance, you can use blue text on green background, black text on white background, red text on yellow background etc.

Compelling font and size

Although this part is ignored by many but nowadays people pay a lot of heed to the look and feel of a brand. A bad font and size might affect your brand identity. Talk to a few creative professionals and then decide on the most appropriate font for your product.

Folds and cuts matter

There are various types of folds and cuts which you might consider if you want a custom clothing label for your brand. Straight cut labels are cut and stitched all around the product. Centerfold labels are folded into the half with a fold on one side and loose ends on the other end. This gives enough space to add more information or instruction. Cut end folded labels are folded inward for stitching on the inside of folds giving it a clean and glossy finish.

Size factor

Labels and tags should mostly be small to medium size depending on the product. Small sized labels should not be cluttered with too much information. However, if your product demands more information and instructions then you can go for bigger labels. There is also a trend of using just the woven size tab (Just the size of the product is mentioned) on the product with a printed label. See which trend suits your requirements.

Proper placement

Last but not the least; you need to decide on the positioning of the label on your product. For garment products, it could be attached to the neck, sleeves, side pockets, back of the trousers or jeans, inside or outside of the products etc. You should place the brand label in a way that it could be easily recognized by the customers.

Check out the samples of some of the best custom clothing labels here.
